Thursday, May 19, 2005

May 19th - Quick Update


St Agnes called Jim and told him he has the low grade PMP. Which is great news. They still want him to have the chemo, so now we are trying to find an oncologist in the Harrisburg area that is familiar with PMP. We got two recommendations from St Agnes, we just need their credentials and Jim to feel comfortable with them.

St Agnes will be sending Jim copies of the pathology final report and the list of chemo drugs that react well with his cancer. That's all we know for now. I'll update later as we learn things.


Anonymous said...

HEY GUYS! Great news!!!!!!! Things are sure looking up. Today I just got in the mail some of those yellow Livestrong bracelets from the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Did you guys ever see them? The Lance Armstrong Foundation provides the practical tools and information that people with cancer need to live strong. Show your support for people battling cancer by wearing your LiveStrong wristband. If you guys would like some let me know, I'll mail them to you. Ask around if anyone you know wants any too. I got 20 of them, and Willie and I are wearing them and Jim's mom and aunt will be getting 1 each, so I have a bunch more if you want, let me know and I'll pop them in the mail asap. I love you guys, and I hope to see you both VERY soon. Stay strong Jim, and keep us updated!

Anonymous said...


I have to admit that I'm not sure exactly what low grade PMP is, but it sounds like it is the news everyone was hoping for. What a relief. Its also good to hear that you (Jim) are healing well - that's a long year of surgery and recovery.

Livestrong bracelets do sound in order... and maybe tour-de-france training starting soon? Or maybe not.

Hooray hooray, I feel like I've been holding my breath for a month.


Anonymous said...

If you would like, I'll send enough Livestrong bracelets that Jen could send to you, would you like some? I haven't heard from Jen or Jim since my blogger post, so I'm not sure if they are interested in any, but when I hear from them, I'll send them. Later!