No "real" new news... Both Dr Sardi and Paula were out, so we saw Robin Cianos (the IHPC coordinator) who was not able to tells us much. So we have another appointment next Wednesday (May 18th).
It was a good thing that we did have the appoinment even though we didn't get the info we wanted. Jim's covered head to toe in hives... Don't know what from (there was a suggestion that it maybe due to the fact his antibiotic regime just ended, but who knows). So we were able to have a Doctor tell us he can take benadryl for the hives...
HIVES NOW! MAN, Jimmy, we love you, but GOD Jim, your luck stinks! Now we know you're a true Lamoreux, you have the Lamoreux lucky streak. How's the fever?
Hey there,
Yipes that's a lot of waiting, being put off yet again until Wednesday next week. I hope your nerves aren't getting too fuzzy.
The hives move is also a popular Stanhope manouver. I think I would break into hives if I were going in for postop synopsis of how things went. Perhaps I could even get some sympathy hives just thinking about it :)
Hang in there you two. Classes are over for me, and I have one exam and ten papers left to grade. I can see the light way down there at the end of the tunnel.
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