Things have been going well so far... Jim's sleeping right now... Wore him out by walking a bit too much today (2 miles at Fairhill State Park in MD)...
He has an appointment on Tues with his doctor for a Procrit injection and bood work (to determine his hemoglobin count, when it reaches 11 he stops getting the shots).
Only thing going on now is that his temp is close to normal first thing in the a.m. and then reaches 101 or higher in the evening... Can't tell if this is something to be concerned about or not (we don't feel this constitues an "emergency"). Wasn't given a weekend contact number by St Agnes (an oversight we plan on fixing first thing Monday). Everything else seems ok: no pain to speak of, no inflammation... So Jim will call on Monday and see what we should be doing...
Jim received flowers from his workplace on Saturday. They're very lovely... A good suprise for him... : )
Hey guys!
So did you call the doctor about his temp.? What does the doctor think it is? How are things going? Jen, you ready to thorw him out yet? hehehehe. Just Kidding Jim. Keep us updated on how that temp is doing. Jim's mom and brother was wondering, and of course me.
Finally got through with St Agnes around 4pm after waiting all day for someone to call us back. Dr Sardi told Jim to contact his primary care doctor about the fever and then said to get CT scans done incase it's an abcess inside. I'm going to call St Agnes today and complain... Indicate on his release paperwork to call if the temp goes above 100.5, then don't provide a weekend contact person, then call on Monday and wait until 4pm to find out to call his primary care doctor..... Jim's been worried about his temp all weekend...
He sees his primary care doctor today, so maybe they can figure out the fever...
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